Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stick to the issues, Dont be Distracted!!!!!

         From the looks of how the election is starting, it is easy to tell it will be a election full of lies and distractions. Obama is in a fight for his job and has realized he has a problem. He has nothing to run on. This is why his administration has set its sights on distracting the public from the real issues. With the main stream media on their side, it is hard to see past the vast demonstrations of so called "Issues" being used to make the important.
          While issues like gay marriage, abortion, contraception, and college loans are very important, they are not of the up-most importance. Our country is on the verge of going bankrupt, gas prices are outrageous, foreign affairs are in aria. Our constitutional freedoms are under attack by our president on a daily basis. More people in this country are unemployed than at any other time. People of the world are living in fear of a nuclear attack everyday never knowing when it may come. These sound like real issues of the up-most importance to me.
         Our President is trying everything, and I mean everything, in his power to distract us. He does not want us, the people, to remember what he promised, and more importantly remember he hasn't fulfilled his part. The Obama Administration will try to distract you with stories about dogs and high school mistakes. They will take a story and twist it to a point the actual informant takes back their statement. These are all tools they will be using. They are using these tools because they are scared, they are scared that we the people do remember and are here to take back America. And we are here to do it now!!!!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Race of Races

    Today, I was alarmed to hear from a fellow employee that I was racist. This came as news to me, being I have friends of all colors and ethnicity's. In surprise, it came to my attention the co-worker claiming these allegations was a good friend of mine. At lunch, I pulled him to the side and asked very rationally, "Why do you think I'm racist, Have I done something to cause for you to believe this?". His response took me off guard considering he has known me for 6 months and is very familiar with my political views and beliefs. Looking at me very seriously he replies, " There is no other reason for you to not vote for Obama.".
      This enraged me. For anyone That knows me to use a purposeless allegation to justify my voting decisions. Calmly, I explained to him Herman Cain was my first choice but continued with the many various reasons for why I believed Obama was not my choice for President. In this list I included Solendra, The Keystone Pipeline, Obama care, Fast and the Furious, our foreign policy, our national debt, The Constitutions Attack and anything else I could come up with within 30 seconds. This of course wasn't even the beginning.
      After this rant I began to explain to him why I believed what he was doing was not right. I did not vote for him, and I will not vote this time,and it is not because the color of his skin, but the size of his brain and his lack of Dignity. I can name 100 reasons in a split second for why I will not vote Obama, but I cannot come up with one for why I should or for what he has achieved. To decide to not vote for a candidate due to the color of their skin is racist, and so is voting for them for the same reason.
     I want to make it clear to anyone with the nerve to say I am racist, I am not! The decision I made to not support Obama was a rational decision made by analyzing Obama's mandates, policies, and former actions. This decision came from seeing Obama attack our constitutional freedoms, morale rights, and general well being. This decision was made morally just as I could hope anyone Else's was.
     This race is over the Freedom of this country, not race. Using race as an excuse for why I choose to support a different candidate than you, shows one thing. It shows you cannot justify why I will not vote with logic. It shows you have no reason to defend Obama but race. It also shows why this country is going where it is. You may choose to vote for race but I vote for Freedom, and Obama has proven he does not support that. Romney2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Unite within Our Party

       I have had it with the conservative party dividing themselves. We must unite. All of us fellow conservatives had candidates we wanted as well. I am an avid Newt supporter but I have faced the reality that our battle is over, but not lost. The real battle is not over the nominee, but over America. Even with Newt out, I still support our party and our freedom. As conservatives we have always prided ourselves at the higher dignity we expressed over our opposing party. What do you think they say about us battling ourselves instead of fighting them; "I'm gonna Win!!" say's Obama.
     We must as a party unite for the well-being of this country, ourselves, and our families. Mr.Obama and His socialist Democrat Administration have not only lied to the people of America and broke countless promises, but have also infringed on our constitutional freedoms. We, as a country, can not sit back and let this country fall to the hands of a socialist for 4 more years. We must stand behind our candidate, stop trashing ourselves, and start calling Obama out on his lies and betrayals. We need to demand answers for Solentra, our unpassed budget, our almost $4 Trillion dollar debt increase, and for our dying economy that he promised would change. "If This economy does not change, this will be a one term proposal". said Obama in 2008 as he ran for his position. It hasn't changed and the people are here to collect.
      I am afraid. I am afraid my daughter Adalie  will never get to live the American Dream. I fear she will not ever have the joy of buying a home, going to college, or living in prosperity. I fear Generations upon Generations will reap the consequences of this administration and their socialist mandates and regulations. If Obama is re-elected This Fear, This Nightmare will become a reality, so we need to awake.
       Romney may not be the Ideal candidate. You may not like Romney or disagree with some of his opinions. The fact is he is a conservative businessman. He has ran corporations, rebuilt companies who were otherwise doomed to extinction.Romney is the tool we have received, and although he may not be the sharpest, or most useful he is our tool none the less. And I, as an American, plan to use him to my advantage. If we do not unite as a party, or as a country our consequences will be much more severe than Romney as our President, it will be Obama.
     Please, for the sake of America, UNITE!!! A famous man once said, "United we stand, Divided we fall". This country can't afford for us to fall. We must stand up, stand tall, and speak loud. We can't afford to stand alone, lets stand together . Vote Romney 2012

The America I knew

      America The free and home of the brave. A country of opportunity. With hard work you can do anything. This is the America you and I knew growing up. As a child I was taught the benefits of hard work and dedication at a very young age. My elders would tell me time after time that if I didn't work I wouldn't and couldn't have anything. As I looked around I could see that what they were telling me was true. The people I knew in life who worked hard with dedication had something to show for it, and the ones who did not had nothing.
      This was the American Dream. Today, you have higher unemployment rates than ever, poverty is at its highest, the nations debt has hit 15.7 Trillion Dollars; And the government we once trusted to help us when we needed them has chose their views over their boss, the American People. The government has built their power to a point where the people has lost their say, where we the people no longer matter. Our own President and his Administration have the power to pass laws the people don't want. This is not the America our fathers created.
       America is hurt. We are straining to take care of our families, to pay our bills. Some of us have lost hope. I, myself, have not lost hope. I believe America isn't dead. We just need the right doctor. Obama has made it clear he has no real plans to help this country. I say lets not be unheard, lets not let them use the power that they do not possess. Speak loud, show you haven't lost faith in our country. Lets Take Back America